time and motion study

英 [ˌtaɪm ən ˈməʊʃn stʌdi] 美 [ˌtaɪm ən ˈmoʊʃn stʌdi]

网络  作研究; 时间与动作研究; 时间和动作研究; 工时学; 时间一动作研究



  1. Supervise a staff of industrial engineers engaged in establishing and verifying standard production rates using standard data or time and motion study methods.
  2. Meanwhile, I brought forward a systemic model to establish a new way to study the work efficiency from three aspects: the materials flow and plant layout, the time study to the work procedure, and the motion study to the certain workplace.
  3. At the same time, this thesis analyses MPEG video compression algorithms and motion compensation prediction. Then, through the study on the MPEG-4 standard compression algorithm, we find that there are much parallel in many compression algorithms.



  1. an analysis of a specific job in an effort to find the most efficient method in terms of time and effort

      Synonym:    time-and-motion studytime-motion studymotion studytime studywork study